
The Firebolt Cloud Data Warehouse Whitepaper

This whitepaper explains the overall architecture, the key differences compared to the previous generations of cloud data warehouses, and provides some numbers to show how much of an improvement in speed, scale, cost, and price-performance is possible.Read

The Cloud Data Warehousing Guide

Cloud data warehouses have significantly reduced or eliminated the need to pre-provision infrastructure to address analytical needs. This guide provides a roadmap to navigating cloud data warehouse concepts, architectures, and available deployment options.

The Complete Guide to Sub-Second Analytics

Sub-second analytics leverages cutting-edge technologies, optimized data processing techniques, and high-performance infrastructure to enable organizations to respond quickly to changing business conditions, customer demands, and market trends.Read

Data architects unplugged survival stories from the field

Firebolt architects are constantly at the front line. Their job is to get the biggest data analytics and engineering challenges from customers and come up with innovative solutions. Rob, Chris, Matthew, and Jay got together to talk about the craziest challenges they got, the main trends customers are looking for, and 80s music albums that keep them going.Read

Data Warehouse Product Comparison: Snowflake vs Firebolt

This whitepaper provides a detailed comparison between Firebolt and Snowflake across more than 30 different categories including their overall architectures and core features, scalability, performance, and cost, as well as their suitability across different analytics use cases. Read

Native Semi-Structured Analytics

The advent of cheap, infinite cloud storage and massive data collection from the web and IoT  has dramatically transformed the nature of raw data subject to analytical query workloads. With endless streams of JSON log files and other nested serialization formats like Avro and Parquet, the ability to handle semi-structured data is a must.Read

Data Warehouse Comparison Guide

This whitepaper compares the major cloud data warehouse and query engine options on AWS across more than 30 different categories including their overall architectures and core features, scalability, performance, and cost, as well as their suitability across these different analytics use cases.Read

Evaluating Cloud Data Warehouses

When selecting a cloud data warehouse, technical and cost constraints make users compromise on certain features. The following checklist of criteria was written to help you determine which factors are most important for the success of your organization.Read

Cloud Data Warehouses Pricing Guide

The price of speed: how much does a fast and seamless data warehouse experience cost? In the following article we’ll review the most common pricing models, their pros and cons and which use-cases they are most relevant for.Read

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