Solving workload management for diverse analytics requirements.

Read-write from any engine to any data

Any Firebolt engine can execute both read and write operations on data stored in any database, while maintaining strong consistency across all engines. When a schema or data change is made, the change is immediately visible across all engines in a transactional manner, without requiring any data or metadata synchronization.

Workload isolation

Place SLA sensitive workloads on dedicated, disaggregated compute infrastructure to eliminate noisy neighbor issues. Lower costs through on-demand execution with automatic stop/start functionality and right sized infrastructure.

Consolidated 24 x 7 data warehouse
On-demand data warehouse with disaggregated compute

Adaptive workload management

Firebolt takes into account configuration, resource utilization and history based statistics to optimize workloads for both latency and throughput.

Firebolt at work...

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Learn how Firebolt’s architecture focuses on efficiency for diverse workloads.

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Firenewt benchmark measures Firebolt capabilities for low latency, high concurrency and cost efficiency.

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Learn how a disaggregated data warehouse can optimize your analytics costs.

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