We're happy to announce we've completed yet another successful security audit and Firebolt is now officially certified to both ISO 27001 and ISO 27018
ISO 27001 is an Information Security Management Standard which demonstrates that our organization has invested in the people, processes, and technology and provides evidence that we are managing information security according to international best practices. This is obtained by demonstrating an ongoing systematic approach to managing and protecting customer information.
ISO 27018 is a code of practice that focuses on the protection of personally identifiable information (PII) in public clouds and sets out security controls to protect PII processed in public cloud computing environments. It's an extension to the ISO 27001 and provides implementation guidance and controls to specifically address the requirements of data protection law.
On top of the SOC2 Type-2 certification achieved earlier in 2021, this certification gives customers another assurance they can fully trust Firebolt with the management of their information.
Both certificates are available to share on request as needed.