November 14, 2024
November 14, 2024

5 Reasons to Use Firebolt

November 14, 2024
November 14, 2024

5 Reasons to Use Firebolt

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Firebolt is a cloud data warehouse with lightning-fast analytics, capable of handling high concurrency workloads at millisecond latency while still having the functionality of a traditional, transactional warehouse. So the big question is: why would you want to use Firebolt?

1. Firebolt serves your data warehousing needs

Firebolt is a cloud data warehouse that comes with core data warehouse functionality, including ACID-compliant transactions, efficient ELT, support for complex joins, and Postgres-compliant SQL. You can use it for your data warehousing needs. SQL simplicity means that data engineers will be familiar and comfortable, and they will not need to spend time learning how to leverage the platform, saving them time and allowing them to deliver value faster. Happy engineers mean happier customers.

2. Faster queries mean faster insights

“Time to insight” is the north star for many data engineering teams, and that’s for a good reason. Modern organizations strive to have data-driven decision-making, but they can get bogged down when data questions take too long to answer. When your data workloads are lightning fast, your questions are answered faster, you can make decisions sooner, and you can learn the impact of changes as soon as you have your data. Analysts can iterate faster, drill deeper, and get to the root of questions being asked without needing to wait, get distracted, or work on something else while the query runs. With OLAP-comparable query performance in the Firebolt data warehouse, you can look forward to incredibly low time to insight.

And, frankly, there’s something nice about queries being lightning-fast. It’s a better experience.

3. Lower cost

Firebolt keeps costs low because of how its optimizations and performance improvements limit the amount of work that the engine needs to do, especially for repetitive and similarly-shaped workloads. Less work being done means lower resource utilization, which in turn means lower costs.

Beyond that, because Firebolt can do the job of a traditional data warehouse and a query accelerator, you don’t need to support and pay for two independent systems to be up and running all the time. Better yet, you’re not paying for the cost and maintenance of complicated data pipelines connecting the two, and without needing to wait for pipelines to run, your data is always fresh. Saving money, time, and effort speaks for itself.

4. New data app possibilities for your product

Low query throughput can turn into a bottleneck for your SQL workloads. . . Waiting minutes to run your near-instantaneous query defeats the purpose of that query being fast, and it increases time to insight. With Firebolt’s capability for a throughput of hundreds of queries per second, say goodbye to endless query queues and say hello to fast results even when workloads are large.

Low latency and high throughput analytics unlock use cases for your data that may have previously been unimaginable. Your SQL queries can be used to power snappy, responsive user interfaces and analytics, opening doors and giving you more ways to improve your product. Getting data into the hands of your users doesn’t have to be expensive; better yet, it can be a great experience for them, analyzing and understanding data relevant to them without needing to wait. Firebolt can make them feel like they’re getting first-class treatment.

5. Cloud warehousing provides flexibility

With the separation of storage and compute, you can scale up and provision resources as appropriate. Compute workloads can be isolated, too, so that high-stakes, high-performance queries can be sent to your highest-power Firebolt engines, while queries that can afford to take more time can be run on lower-power, less expensive clusters to save resources and cost. Isolation means they’re truly isolated and don’t interfere with each other, as Firebolt’s metadata service makes sure data remains consistent across each engine.

This means you have maximum flexibility. You can scale engines down, provision temporary, beefy engines for one-time batch workloads, and ingest or remove data as you need. If you’ve seen a number of Liberty Mutual ads, the phrase may be a little tired by now, but it’s relevant and true here, too: you only pay for what you need. And if what you need changes, your storage and compute can scale up or down to handle it, too.

Read more, try it out

If you want to learn more about how Firebolt works, we have a whitepaper you should go read. If you want to get your hands on Firebolt for yourself, get started for free with $200 in credits and no credit card required. And that $200 goes farther than you’d think - Firebolt’s low cost means it takes a while to burn through them.

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